Hoffman's Food Supplements
In Powder Form.
See advertisement page 19. A month's supply$4.00; 44-pound packages family size carton$13.50
One month's
MINERAL FOOD SUPPLEMENT $3.00 Advertised on page 43, this issue. supply $3.00. Economy three month's supply $8.00 HI-PROTEEN SPECIAL TABLETS
If you want and can afford the best, invest in two pounds of the world's best proteins, those most like the human body, a special Soy Bean protein, sodium casseinate of milk and white of egg protein, which is almost pure protein. Two pounds for $10.00. See advertisement on page 42. HOFFMAN'S HI-PROTEEN SPECIAL
A highly concentrated food which is almost pure protein. It contains large amounts of Lactalbumin with a milk derivation, ovalbumin extracted from eggs, and the lecithin of the soybean, nerve, muscle and tissue builder. Fairly high priced, but worth it, owing it its concentrated richness. One pound cannister......
HOFFMAN'S HI-PROTEEN TABLETS. $5.00 Described on page 48, 4 lbs. $5.00, 2 lbs. $3.00 HOFFMAN'S HI-PROTEEN CHOCOLATE MALTED MILK TABLETS $5.00 Described fully on page 48. A delicious candylike tablet you will enjoy and receive great physica benefit from. 4 lbs. $5.00, 2 lbs. $3.00 HOFFMAN'S SOY GERM OIL TABLETS Each tablet contains two drops of soy germ oil in a soya milk base. Somewhat salty to the taste, it serves particularly well during hot weather to replace body salts lost through excessive perspiration. Made from the non-fatty acid of the germ or heart of the soy bean. It supplies the type of protein contained in organic and glandular meats, blood and marrow. Their use is indicated for people who are weak physically and sexually. It is recommended that ten tablets be taken daily 1,000 tablets, $10.00, 400 tablets $5.00 SPECIAL OFFER: To any purchaser of $25.00 worth of the special foods and food supplements at the prices advertised on this page, we will send entirely free of charge, a $5.00 cannister of HOFFMAN'S HI-PROTEEN special. This is your chance to obtain a real bargain, a generous supply of the materials your body has been craving, at a very moderate price. For instance, family size carton of Hi-Proteen is $13.50, three months' supply of Vitamin-Mineral Supplement is $8.00. 500 Soy Germ Oil tablets $5.00, $26.50 in all and you receive a big, five dollar value, a free gift as advertised in this column.
West of the Mississippi and Foreign orders add postage: $.50 for two pounds, $1.00 for four pounds, $2.00 for family size. (Foreign: add $1.00 for each four pounds, including family. size.)
Order from Bob Hoffman, York, Pa.
We have made arrangements to manufacture and ship Hi-Proteen in powder form from Brantford, Ontario. As a result, our Canadian friends can now obtain this complete health and body-building food at advertised U.S. prices without additional postage or duty. For the present, we will have Hi-Proteen in powder form in Chocolate, Vanilla and Plain flavors only. Four dollars per tour-pound package, $13.50 for the family size of four 4-pound packages prepaid to any part of Canada. Hi-Proteen tablets in Canada are $3.50 per 2-pound cannister (approximately 1,000 tablets) prepaid. Send your orders and remittances to York, Pa. Shipment will be made from Brantford.
(Continued from page 3) proven hundreds of thousands of times. This training system has built the great lifting champions associated with the York Barbell Club for nearly 30 years, and it has built all of the Mr. Americas of the past 18 years. York methods are the reason why America has maintained a place high at the top of world weight-lifting. Only Russia has been able to challenge our position as the strongest team in the world, and the Russians have followed York methods.
During the past few years certain competitors of ours in the weight-lifting field have tried to tear down the sound and sensible training principles which we put together at York a full generation ago. They have made fantastic claims of brilliant new discoveries, of certain wild-eyed, unnatural exercise movements that will grow "two lumps where only one grew before", and in general have distorted the whole idea of sensible physical training to a point where it is rapidly coming into disrepute with physical directors and physical education authorities, just as it did during the 1890's when a group of beer-swilling monsters who trained laboriously between drinks with huge solid iron dumbells demonstrated on their persons that weightlifting must be bad for its followers because these men were slow and clumsy and actually unhealthy.
The fantastic four to eight-hour training programs of endless repetitions and sets of the same unnatural exercises have created a race of monsters from whom the public justly turn their heads.
We feel it is time the reading public knows exactly where we stand in regard to sensible weight-training and healthful and happy living. The principles upon which Strength and Health and York methods were founded, and which appeared in our first book are entirely unchanged. We intend to go on building stronger, healthier and happier people of every age, race and
We are not in the business of creating monsters, but in building athletes.
We do not believe in training four hours per day. Everyone must have time to work and play and to carve out useful career. The day of the barbell bum is drawing to a close. Public reaction to the sight of unnatural lumps and varicose veins and ruptured muscular tissue will sooner or later call a halt to the foolishness of the misguided cult of "lumps for lumps' sake."
We are now on our way to the Olympic Games in Melbourne in our usual capacity as official Weight-lifting Coach of the U.S. Olympic Team. We have served in this capacity for many years. We are training our men and coaching them exactly as we did when we trained America's first lifting champions back in 1936. Nothing new has been added. We do not have our champions work out for four hours per day. They train five days per week when in intensive preparation for a championship. Three of these days are fairly strenuous workouts, lasting perhaps two hours, but with many rest periods between lifts. Two days per (Continued on page 39)
New-Original Revolutionary
Here is the exclusive combination dumbbell and barbell bar in one unit. One of the greatest muscle building innovations in the history of bodybuilding.
The secret is its unique, balanced, parallel dumbbell grips which combines training of barbell and dumbbell movements at one time. The muscles get the benefit of dumbbell exercises in an entirely different way. Since the bar is so radically designed, it can also be used as a curling bar.
Superba is made in three different widths between dumbbell grips: 20-24-28 inches. Specify size when ordering. Booklet of instructions will be sent with order. No COD's. Shipping charges are extra. Remit $12.00 to
SUPERBA BARBELL CO. Box 754, Niagara Falls, N.Y.
NEW... Carob Hi-Proteen!
A taste thrill awaits you when you try this entirely different flavor, made with Carob powder, a food as old as history. Carob grew in the Garden of Eden, and was the main food of many ancient peoples. It looks and tastes somewhat like chocolate, but does not contain theobromine, the element distasteful to many people. Carob Hi-Proteen contains no sugar or artificial flavor. It tastes good and digests in an amazing manner, it actually makes your stomach feel good! Priced the same other Hi-Proteen flavors. Try it. You'll like it.
A long sleeve "V" Shirt. This is our finest, a truly luxurious garment, made of the Thalspun Orlon and Wool Jersey. Really a "y" Shirt fit tho not so snug, it washes easily, discards wrinkles, resists shrinkage and stretching, resistant to moths and mildew.
Here is a lightweight sweater-like shirt to challenge the highest priced imports.
A garment that saves on cleaning, just wash, drip dry and wear.
THE FIT IS FOREVER Priced at $8.95 (Postpaid)
REDPATH and STERN'S SPORTS WEAR 3831 Granada Ave. San Diego 4, Calif.
Check Style: Turtle Neck Check Size Small "V" Neck Medium Check Color: White Azure Blue
All California Orders please add 3% sales tax
York Larbell and 1.Jurebell Sipster
What you get when you order this popular set:
1. York DELUXE barbell in five-foot length, made of solid steel with knurled handgrips and the latest type (patent applied for) wrenchless collars and an assortment of York DELUXE barbell plates which make up the advertised weight.
2. Pair of 14-inch solid steel machined dumbell bars with revolving hand grips, four outside collars and a special wrench.
3. Pair of the latest type iron Health Boots with straps. York was the first to manufcature and sell health boots, which permit the practice of a variety of exercises to develop, condition and rejuvenate the legs. Besides keeping your legs young, springy and enduring, the use of these weighted shoes trims and strengthens the mid-section.
4. Heavy duty head strap for neck development. This substantial strap will give you years of service.
5. Wrist roller to develop the hands, wrists and forearms.
6. The solid steel bars can quickly and easily be used for swingbells and leverage bells as well as dumbells.
7. Book containing York courses No. 1 and No. 2. This famous basic barbell-dumbell bodybuilding system has been used by more champions than any other course.
8. Book containing York courses No. 3 and No. 4, weight lifting training. Courses to develop the muscular groups together in a coordinated manner.
9. A book of leg-developing exercises; three complete courses and three wall charts.
10. Bob Hoffman's famous Swingbell System of Training. This course, illustrated by Mr. America, brings variety to your training with 40 exercises which are exclusive with York.
When you get a York combination set, you are making a lifetime investment. Be sure you invest your money wisely, in a York set. The world-famous York courses and equipment, which never wears out, will serve you all the years of your life.
120-lb. York 10-in-1.
170-lb. York 10-in-1.
220-lb. York 10-in-1.
270-lb. York 10-in-1.
(All prices F.O.B. York)
Place your order today; train the York THE BESTway. Order from